Safe X browsing with our ultimate
Anti-Fraud Protection
Public beta soon... Sign up to stay in touchHave you or your friends ever lost money due to scammers on socials? You're not alone.
Scammers steal significant amounts of money through social media platforms.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported that over $2.7 billion was lost to imposter scams originating from social media in the U.S. in 2023. And the numbers are much greater around the world.
We aim to protect users from online impersonation scams, ensuring they can confidently engage on social platforms without fear of fraud. That's why we're constructing a suite of software solutions designed to safeguard social media users from fraudulent activities.
Our initial phase involves developing an Impersonation Detection Algorithm and a browser extension engineered to analyze X (formerly Twitter) page content in real-time, proactively alerting users to potential risks such as impersonators and scam links.
Important Notice!
Our browser extension does not use the Twitter API and does not have access to your X (formerly Twitter) account data. Your personal information and account details remain private and secure.
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